Me Too Kids Collection!

Do you believe the seed of abuse is planted in our youth at an early age?

Statistics show that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys under the age of 18 have experienced sexual abuse or assault at the hands of a stranger, friend or family member. Over 95% know their abusers.

As parents, caregivers, and educators, we can no longer be silent about the potential threats that surround our children. It is our duty to prevent from being another statistic to ensure their well-being. Me Too Chronicles Kids Collection provides a series of tools and resources to have an open friendly conversation about sexual abuse.

The earlier we expose our children to the knowledge we will be able to prevent future exploitation and other acts of abuse through our educational products and services for youth and adults!


by author, Charlotte L. Jenkins

My Body Is My Body
I Have Rules

2020 Indy Author Award My Body Is My Body: I Have Rules is part of  Me Too Kids collection empowers every child to reach their full potential in life. This book features empowerment tips that depict a strong and clear voice in all issues relating to a child’s body and personal boundaries. My Body Is My Body: I Have Rules also includes:

This is a great learning tool for young children to encourage communication in a child-friendly way.

  • Softback: 30 pages
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-13: 978-1095463628  ISBN-10: 1095463624
  • Hardcover: 30 pages
  • Language: English
  •  ISBN-13: 978-0-9835534-4-1

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Don't Break The Rules
Board Game

Don’t Break the Rules give parents an opportunity to discuss sensitive issues with children in a fun, relaxed manner. This game makes it easy to understand the importance of body safety. A discussion guide is included for parents, small groups or classrooms

Download discussion sheet here


“Don’t Break The Rules” was listed one the most popular board games created by black entrepreneurs.

Available Now on Itunes and Other Online Stores!

"My Body Is My Body" feat. Cartala McGill-Stout

 “My Body Is My Body” song empowers kids to take ownership of their bodies while dancing and singing to the tune. T“My Body Is My Body” song is perfect for pre-kinder kids through to 8-year-olds.


Read about your Don't Break the Rules board game in the IndyStar. Wonderful idea.
Amy Karozos
Indianapolis. IN
My daughter and I attended one of Ms. Jenkins' speaking event and was blown away by the passion she's shown in this work! Her book is amazing for young girls AND boys to teach them very specific rules they should have over their own bodies! I talk to my daughter often about sexual abuse and her rights to her own body, but this book pointed out things that I didn't think about and I'm glad my daughter was exposed to it! We bought this book and are rereading from now on to instill these rules! We also pre-ordered the board game that further teach and instill these rules! We love this book and cant wait to play the board game!
Regina Sloan
Indianapolis. IN
Today While walking on the Strip I met this amazing Leader/Author from Indianapolis Charlotte L. Jenkins has created an amazing resource for Parents which includes empowerment tips & activities that depict a Strong & Clear voice in all issues relating to a child’s body & personal boundaries! I got my copy & can’t wait to get back home to share this with my princess!!
Ashley Claudio
Las Vegas, NV

Support Awareness. Donate Today!

Your donation to Me Too Chronicles supports our work to end the cycle of abuse and helps survivors find healing. Together we can prevent domestic violence and sexual assault by changing how people understand, talk about, and respond to these issues. Make a contribution now!