Me Too Chronicles Series
When The Power Goes Out:Darkness Follows
by Charlotte L. Brown
Trauma plagued much of Manuela Richards’ life. She fought for sanity, love, and salvation on a daily basis. A fight that many others would have simply given up on. But it wasn’t by accident she was faced with so much adversity. A whirlwind of hellish events was targeted on Manuela and threatened to end the fight once and for all. Will she be able to win, much less survive, the biggest battle of her life? The battle for her soul?
Author Charlotte L. Brown takes you on a journey to show what takes place in the spiritual and natural realm, educating readers about the effects of abuse and mental illness.
Kamari James
by Stephanie Hammett
She has finished writing her second book, Kamari James, which is part of the Me Too Chronicles book series that deals with people who have and/or are going through domestic violence and sexual assault. Stephanie’s main goal in life is to continue to preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ until she draws her last breath or when the Rapture happens.
Was it the pastor, an ex-boyfriend, a brother, the stranger from Africa or was it just a failed suicide attempt? Kamari James has been put in a medical reduced coma because of the lethal dosage of prescription drugs that were found in her system and it is up to her long-time friend, Detective Johnathan Wright to find out who is guilty. However, unbeknownst to him he will be helped every step of the way by a host warrior and the journals that Kamari had left for him to read. But the journey will not be easy because there is a dark force that will try to stop him from getting the truth because it is linked directly to a book written by Satan that has his craftiest plans for the world. Will Jonathan be able to solve the biggest case of his life or will he be stopped before the truth is revealed?
In 2 Deep
by Chalotte L. Brown and Francei L. Brown
Information Coming Soon….